What’s better than a cover reveal?

A cover reveal and a giveaway!


I’m giving away 5 free copies (in any digital format) of Incorrigible: Secrets Past & Present – Part Two / Seeking.  The giveaway will be open for entries for 10 days.  It includes a treasure hunt on this blog, so keep this window open and visit Incorrigible’s Facebook page to submit entries!  Good luck, and have fun!  On second thought … Be INCORRIGIBLE!

Discount & FREE!

Sometimes, Amazon is a weeeeee bit slow in getting a message.

The price for Part One / Entrapments of Incorrigible: Secrets Past & Present is now $.99 on Amazon.

You can get it FREE on Google Play (epub).

You can get it FREE on Goodreads (epub).  (Interesting side note…now owned by Amazon)

You can get it FREE in all digital formats at Smashwords.

Seriously, Amazon?

To celebrate the opening of Balticon 47 . . .

incorrigible-finalD medium

. . . there’s nothing like a cover reveal!  I am in love with what Derek Murphy of Creativindie Covers has done to capture the essence of Incorrigible.

The Next Big Thing – Work in Progress

Hello, folks.

I’ve been tagged for a “chain blog.”  It’s called THE NEXT BIG THING – WORK IN PROGRESS, and it’s an opportunity for writers to share with you a little bit about the work they’re currently doing and then tag other writers who will do the same.

I want to thank TS Gwilliam, who tagged me.

She was tagged by Kate Thompson.

I’ve linked to their blog posts, and I hope you’ll drop in and read them and get to know these authors.  At the end of my answers, I’ll tell you who I’m tagging and why.

Here we go!

1. What is the working title of your next book?

Discordant: Kin Foreign & Familiar

Wait.  I’m not done!  I’m not known for short titles, as you can see.

Discordant is Book 2 of The Staves of Warrant trilogy.

2. Where did the idea come from for the book?

Because it’s Book 2, Discordant was a natural offshoot of developing the storyline for Book 1, Incorrigible: Secrets Past & Present.

The idea for the overarching story evolved over a period of about 4-5 years as I played with writing the story as a fantasy before the speculative nature of the tale finally smacked me in the face.  As I toyed with the word “warrant” and the concept of worlds that changed (I’m a big fan of philosophies of change), I began to imagine a “universe” (for lack of a more accurate term) of Shifting Worlds.  I linked that with a character who was a shape shifter (albeit a very lousy one) and the multiple definitions of the word “warrant,” and lo and behold, all kinds of WHAT IFs started popping into my head.

The settings and themes for Discordant also evolved over time, but from some research I did on the Carlisle Indian Industrial School (in Carlisle, Pennsylvania) and the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.  Again, all of the WHAT IFs started haunting me, and so I decided to address them in the second book of what I knew would be multiple books.  The story of the Staves of Warrant and the exploration of the Shifting Worlds universe just couldn’t be told in a single novel (unless it was the size of War and Peace … on steroids).

3. What genre does your book fall under?

It’s epic speculative fiction, science fantasy to be specific.  As of right now, the plan is to release the novel in episodes, like I am doing with Incorrigible.  If that plan works out, Discordant will be released in three parts.

4. What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Gosh.  I hadn’t given that a bit of thought, but I’ll give it a shot.  For Grainne, I’d choose a tall actress, so maybe Caitlyn Larimore or Suzie Plakson, either of whom could pull off the lead role of a female character who grows into her own skin, so to speak.  For Fenn, who is even taller than Grainne, I’d choose Liam Neeson. I’d love to see him in a role that involves magic in the way it does for Fenn.  I’d drool over Johnny Depp (for whom my desktop computer is named), but Mr. Depp isn’t right for that role.  He might make an interesting Paidraigh Keenan, though.

5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Even pacifists have their limits.

6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

It will be self-published in digital format as episodes and then in digital and print formats once all of the episodes have been released.  All of my works are published by my own company, Bookmite Press.

7. How long did/will it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

About 30 writing days, so slightly longer than it did for Incorrigible, which was written in a month (about 25 writing days) from an apartment looking out at the spires of Lincoln Cathedral in England.  I’m an outliner, so I have a good idea of where the story’s going before I start writing.  Then, the muse takes over, and I puke out a first draft.  After that, I may spend months revising before I’m comfortable sending it to critique partners and beta readers.  Then, I revise again like a madwoman until I am sick of it but can live with it out in the world.  Drafts are the easy part for me.  Revision is sometimes fun and sometimes painful, but always the hard work of writing.

8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Hmm.  I’m not sure there’s another book out there like Discordant, though it does have elements that other novels have.  For instance, it has women protagonists who walk between worlds, like the women in Charles Stross’ The Merchant Princes series.  It’s a cross-over novel, like those of Rosemary Kirstein’s Steerswoman series.

9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?

As I mentioned earlier, this novel is part of a series, and I was initially inspired to tell the story of a woman whose life didn’t turn out quite the way she’d planned. I wanted to show how the world changed around her and how she found strength, despite adversity, to make a socially responsible difference in the lives of those whom social systems and governments treat with indifference and disregard.  But I wanted to say all of that through a story, not a lecture.

I think the world of fiction needs female characters who are strong but also flawed because that’s realistic.  Yes, bad things happen to them sometimes because that’s the state of the world, and I’m not sugar-coating those conditions with prettiness and nice.  Growing up, I had a strong, positive role model in my grandmother, who had experienced sickening social injustices, including being married off to a man more than twice her age when she was only twelve years old.  After she died, I learned she had been a bootlegger during the Depression, because that was the only way she could make money to feed her eight children.  I want readers to meet some women I believe my grandmother would have liked.  Discordant has some of those women in it.

10. What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?

Hmmm.  My one hint at the plot would be that readers will find out if the person who dies near the end of Incorrigible was a real person or a ka.  Evil of me, huh?

Discordant is narrated from the point of view of multiple characters.  That’s one of the fun things about it.  Readers can get into the minds of several characters who are very different from each other.  At least one of those narrators is not what s/he appears to be, but readers will have to figure out which one that is.  Yes, I am evil to the core.

As a genre-bender, Discordant takes readers on a ride through fantasy and through science fiction.  The Shifting Worlds universe has numerous settings, ranging from medieval to dystopian and from fantasy to high-tech.  The story gives readers pieces of a puzzle that ultimately link all of those settings together.

And now it’s tag time!

I’m tagging Sabrina Vourvoulias, author of Ink, a speculative fiction novel I’ll be reviewing on World Enough and Time in the near future because it is an amazing and terrifying story that every American adult should read.  Sabrina’s blog, Following the Lede, is where you’ll find her Next Big Thing post on April 25th, but don’t wait until then to look at her blog.  It’s full of fascinating posts and honest reviews.  Get to know Sabrina.  Her posts are worth your reading time.

I’m tagging Brian Rathbone, author of the World of Godsland fantasy series and a real-life horse guy (No, HE isn’t a horse.  He HAS horses and loves them.).  Brian is one of the friendliest, most hard-working authors I’ve “met” through social media. Be sure to visit Brian’s blog, where you’ll find all kinds of cool things, including free audiobooks and downloads.  Brian’s Next Big Thing post will appear on April 25th.



I may be a dork, but . . .

. . . I am a happy dork!

It’s hard not to smile when my publisher, Bookmite Press (that’s the serial publishing house I founded), tells me Derek Murphy will be designing the covers for The Staves of Warrant trilogy!  I had a gut feeling about Derek, but when I found out he attends literary theory conventions, I knew Serendipity was at work yet again in my writing life.  I couldn’t be more pleased to be part of a publisher/author/designer threesome team with Derek.  I feel like I have to make all my books spectacular enough to live up to his cover designs.  Oddly enough, that’s truly inspiring.

The first two episodes of Book One – Incorrigible: Secrets Past & Present will be available in May . . . of this year! . . . with the final two episodes following in June and July.